View Full Version : Bullying - ClubsNSW to reject applicants who were juvenile bullies

28-05-2012, 02:42 PM
The ABC reports a trial program launched recently by clubs along the NSW Murray River will see 'bully checks' conducted on young jobseekers.

Anyone aged 22 years and under who applies for a job at a club will have to consent to having their high school principal contacted for a character check.

Full article here (http://www.abc.net.au/local/stories/2012/05/25/3511268.htm)

28-05-2012, 03:47 PM
I find it very concerning that people in senior management roles could come up with and/or endorse something so poorly conceived as this scheme.

Clearly they have no understanding of child psychology and the many different reasons why children or adolescents may behave inappropriately.

ClubsNSW chief executive officer Anthony Ball says;
"It's not really about penalising bullies ... "

Clearly that is not true. It's about penalising young adults that were bullies at school up to 10 years ago, before they knew better.

Schoolyard bullies need help and rehabilitation at school, not threats about what may or may not happen after they leave school or university.

ClubsNSW should stick to running their business and leave education and child psychology to those who actually know something about it.

In my view this scheme sets a very dangerous precedent.